Monday, August 30, 2010


As I rebuild myself with an identity and design presence I find more interesting, it's important to build a website that suits this. So I guess what I was interested in was the identity I'd created in PPD and how to apply that to a website setting. I'd taken a photograph of my little set up over summer, it kind of summed me up at that point and it was just a really nice black and white photograph. So, I thought I'd use it.

Here's a kind of welcome page, I like something like this, where it creates an ambiguity and some insight into personality. The book is something I found at the start of summer in a charity shop and it's influenced so much of what I've been looking at over summer and some of the briefs I've written for next year, so it's very apt.

Here's the basic layout. The main part will have thumbnails (when I actually have thumbnails to work with.) they'll then have a light-box window come out with the full images to scroll through. I aim to have this up and ready by Christmas. In fact Christmas is my deadline for this stuff. If I don't do it by then I will have stern words with myself.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Mortality Series

Looking at the shape of tomorrow zine, I've looked at interpreting the idea of circle in terms of the circle of mortality. That being said, I've created a series of designs meant for prints, which I'm going to screen print and photograph upon my return. I'm a little worried that I'm over using the halftone dots though, so after this piece, no more half tone for at least a while. I stuck in the hand prints from my collaboration with Daisy because they're really appropriate, I'm not sure whether I'll stick with them or not though:

I think for the book I'll just use the first and last prints. The symbols over the top are the Greek symbols for life and death.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Collaboration with Daisy from Fashion

Basically Daisy asked me to come up with some designs for some clothing she had designed. She wanted something quite dark and messed up. I've been sitting with these skeleton hand designs, not knowing what to do with them for a while and I figured they'd look really strong on a t-shirt/baseball sweater. Thankfully Daisy agreed and we're going to screen-print some samples when we get back to Uni. As far as I'm aware skate shop in Dorking where she resides outside of uni hours is already interested in stocking them which is awesome. Here are the range of garments with the designs applied to them:

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Gang of New York posters

Watching Gangs of New York, I was really drawn to the very unique colour schemes and symbolism of the different gangs. As a quick exercise (I reckon including the time to draw up the components I spent about 4 hours on these) I generated some film posters based on these really clear elements.

This is the first layouts for both, I wasn't really satisfied with the layout for the dead rabbits, but the layout and incorporation of the stripe pattern on their 'uniforms' worked well and was a good foundation.

So I settled on this as a layout. I'm really happy with the results, and I think they have a real professional quality to them.