Monday, August 30, 2010


As I rebuild myself with an identity and design presence I find more interesting, it's important to build a website that suits this. So I guess what I was interested in was the identity I'd created in PPD and how to apply that to a website setting. I'd taken a photograph of my little set up over summer, it kind of summed me up at that point and it was just a really nice black and white photograph. So, I thought I'd use it.

Here's a kind of welcome page, I like something like this, where it creates an ambiguity and some insight into personality. The book is something I found at the start of summer in a charity shop and it's influenced so much of what I've been looking at over summer and some of the briefs I've written for next year, so it's very apt.

Here's the basic layout. The main part will have thumbnails (when I actually have thumbnails to work with.) they'll then have a light-box window come out with the full images to scroll through. I aim to have this up and ready by Christmas. In fact Christmas is my deadline for this stuff. If I don't do it by then I will have stern words with myself.

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