Sunday, July 11, 2010

Signs and symbols; the I-ching

I've always had a fascination with signs and symbols, I just wanted to show the way that some of these can be adapted to create a sense of ambiguity and mystery. I think half the fun of their uses is to decode the obscure, to be part of a limited number of people who get it. With that in mind, here is the I-ching and some examples of where it's been used recently.

Heres the original base symbols for the I-Ching, each with a specific meaning.

Here they've been appropriated by the Dharma initiative designs for Lost. The symbols a long with the pictograms really create an air of mystery which I absolutely loved when the show first came up.

And I noticed the other day perusing HMV that the symbol for 'creative' was rather cunningly used by this Jay-Z cover. I like that I get this and maybe a few other people do, but not many. The colours in this also happen to be used excellently.

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